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34 documents correspondent à votre requête
Beller, Grégory |
Hybrid Concatenative Synthesis In The Intersection of Speech and Music [Beller05e] [3] |
2005 |
Beller, Grégory |
Semi-Parametric Synthesis of Speaker-Like Laughter [Beller08b] [1] |
2008 |
Cadars, Sylvain |
Modélisation temporelle et synthèse concatenative de boucles rythmiques [Cadars07a] [5] |
2007 |
Cont, Arshia |
GUIDAGE: A Fast Audio Query Guided Assemblage [Cont07c] [3] |
2007 |
Einbond, Aaron |
Spatializing Timbre with Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis, Wave Field Synthesis, CataRT, Max/MSP [Einbond10a] [3] |
2010 |
Einbond, Aaron |
Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis: Perceptual Descriptors as an Approach to Composing and Analyzing Timbre [Einbond11a] [3] |
2011 |
Einbond, Aaron |
Precise Pitch Control in Real Time Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis [Einbond12a] [3] |
2012 |
Hackbarth, Ben |
2010 |
Masurelle, Aymeric |
Towards a gestural control of environmental sound texture synthesis [Masurelle11a] [5] |
2011 |
O'Leary, Sean |
A two level montage approach to sound texture synthesis with treatment of unique events. [OLeary14b] [3] |
2014 |
[1]: Article paru dans une revue [2]: Article ou chapitre dans un livre [3]: Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès [4]: Thèse [5]: Mémoire ou rapport de stage [6]: Rapport [7]: Livre ou monographie [8]: Numéro spécial de revue |