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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Nouno, Gilbert
    %A Cont, Arshia
    %A Carpentier, Grégoire
    %A Harvey, Jonathan
    %T Making an orchestra speak
    %D 2009
    %B Sound and Music Computing
    %C Porto
    %F Nouno09a
    %X This paper reports various aspects of the computer music realization of "Speakings" for live electronic and large orchestra by composer Jonathan Harvey, with the artistic aim of making an orchestra speak through computer music processes. The underlying project asks for various computer music techniques: whether through computer aided compositions as an aid for composer's writing of instrumental scores, or real-time computer music techniques for electronic music realization and performance issues on the stage with the presence of an orchestra. Besides the realization techniques, the problem itself brings in challenges for existing computer music techniques that required the authors to pursue further research and studies in various fields. The current paper thus documents this collaborative process and introduce technical aspects of the proposed methods in each area with an emphasis on the artistic aim of the project.
    %1 6
    %2 3

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