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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Demoucron, Matthias
    %A Caussé, René
    %T Sound synthesis of bowed string instruments using a gesture based control of a physical model
    %D 2007
    %B International Symposium on Musical Acoustics
    %C Barcelona
    %F Demoucron07a
    %K sound
    %K synthesis
    %K gesture
    %K bowed
    %K string
    %K instruments
    %K model
    %X Sound synthesis of bowed strings instruments using physical models offers the possibility of simulating the vibration of the string from the main parameters controlled by the violinist: bow pressure, bow velocity and position on the string. A specific study of gestures that are performed on real instruments would improve the realism of these devices and would make them easier to use. After a brief description of the physical model that has been used during this work, we will present some setups dedicated to the measurement of the gesture parameters applied by the violinist. The data collected from different bowing techniques such as tremolo, spiccato, détaché or martelé permit to extract characteristic features and to build parametric gesture patterns that can be used to control the physical model.
    %1 7
    %2 3

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