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    Catégorie de document Contribution à un colloque ou à un congrès
    Auteur principal Jacques Cuenca
    Co-auteur René Caussé
    Colloque / congrès 19th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ACOUSTICS. Madrid : Septembre 2007
    Comité de lecture Oui
    Volume cdrom
    Année 2007
    Statut éditorial Publié

    A model of the vibrational coupling between the strings, the bridge and the soundboard of the piano in its treble register is presented. Each one of these vibrating structures is separately described by its mechanical input admittance matrix in which the nine terms represent impulse responses or frequency responses to a vectorial input force. The total admittance matrix is analytical and is calculated by assembling the latter in accordance with classical mechanical continuity equations. This formalism allows to study the role of each part of the system by simulating the interaction between a chosen number of structures. Simulations show that the two perpendicular polarisations of bending motion of a single string influence each other due to the elastic response of the bridge. Similar to this is the coupling between unison strings. These interactions give rise to beats and double decay phenomena, which are of particular interest to professional piano makers and tuners. The influence of sound radiation by the soundboard and of duplex strings on the temporal behaviour of the piano and on the spectral content of vibrations is discussed as well. Simulations will be presented and discussed comparing them to experimental work carried on a simplified piano.

    Mots-clés Piano / registre aigu du piano / couplage cordes-chevalet-table d'harmonie / modèle physique de couplage / "duplex scale"
    Equipe Acoustique instrumentale
    Cote Cuenca07a
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