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%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Beller, Grégory
%T Gestural Control Of Real Time Concatenative Synthesis
%D 2011
%C Hong Kong
%F Beller11c
%K Gesture
%K real time concatenative TTS
%K mapping
%K prosody
%K speech rate
%X This paper presented the researches and the devel- opments realized for an artistic project called “Luna Park”. This work is widely connected, at various levels, in the paradigm of the concatenative synthe- sis, both to its shape and in the processes which it employs. Thanks to a real-time programming en- vironment, synthesis engines and prosodic transfor- mations are manipulated, controlled and activated by the gesture, via accelerometers realized for the experiment. This paper explains the sensors, the real time audio engines which include a new speech rate modifier, and the mapping that connects this two parts.
%1 6
%2 2