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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Yeh, Chunghsin
    %A Roebel, Axel
    %T Adaptive noise level estimation
    %D 2006
    %B 9th Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx'06)
    %P 145-148
    %F Yeh06a
    %K signal analysis
    %K noise
    %K sinusoids
    %K peak classification
    %X We describe a novel algorithm for the estimation of the colored noise level in audio signals with mixed noise and sinusoidal components. The noise envelope model is based on the assumptions that the envelope varies slowly with frequency and that the magnitudes of the noise peaks obey a Rayleigh distribution. Our method is an extension of a recently proposed approach of spectral peak classification of sinusoids and noise, which takes into account a noise envelope model to improve the detection of sinusoidal peaks. By means of iterative evaluation and adaptation of the noise envelope model, the classification of noise and sinusoidal peaks is iteratively refined until the detected noise peaks are coherently explained by the noise envelope model. Testing examples of estimating white noise and colored noise are demonstrated.
    %1 6
    %2 3

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