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    %0 Journal Article
    %A Sigman, Alexander
    %A Misdariis, Nicolas
    %A Megyeri, Matthias
    %T alarm/will/sound: A Multidisciplinary Research/Installation Project
    %D 2013
    %B EMILLE - Journal of the Korean Electro-Acoustic Music Society
    %V 11
    %P 69-77
    %F Sigman13b
    %K alarm
    %K perception
    %K interaction
    %X alarm/will/sound is a researched‐based interdisciplinary project, currently being developed by Korea‐based composer and sound artist Alexander Sigman and Stuttgart‐based product designer/visual artist Matthias Megyeri—in collaboration with the IRCAM Sound Perception and Design (SPD) research team. The primary objective of this project in progress is to transform the car alarm from a passive, oft‐ignored public nuisance with a predictable repertoire of sounds into a dynamic and intelligent interactive audio‐visual instrument that engages with the car’s environment. The first phase of the project (January‐August 2013) has consisted in building, organizing, and indexing sound libraries, generating semantic and acoustic descriptors, and designing machine‐learning‐driven interaction systems. During the second phase (September 2013‐February 2014), the sound library categories will be evaluated and refined through sound perception experiments, the interaction systems implemented and trained, and the hardware for a series of car alarm prototypes constructed. Uniting the fields of sound art, perception research, product design, and industrial design, it is hoped that the outcomes of this project will have artistic, research, and interface design applications.
    %1 1
    %2 3

    © Ircam - Centre Pompidou 2005.