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    %0 Journal Article
    %A Katz, Brian F.G.
    %A Noisternig, Markus
    %T A comparative study of interaural time delay estimation methods
    %D 2014
    %B The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
    %V 6
    %N 135
    %P 3530-3540
    %F Katz14a
    %K 43.66.Pn
    %K 43.60.Jn
    %X The Interaural Time Delay (ITD) is an important binaural cue for sound source localization. Calculations of ITD values are obtained either from measured time domain Head-Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) or from their frequency transform Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs). Numerous methods exist in current literature, based on a variety of definitions and assumptions of the nature of the ITD as an acoustic cue. This work presents a thorough comparative study of the degree of variability between some of the most common methods for calculating the ITD from measured data. Thirty-two different calculations or variations are compared for positions on the horizontal plane for the HRTF measured on both a KEMAR mannequin and a rigid sphere. Specifically, the spatial variations of the methods are investigated. Included is a discussion of the primary potential causes of these differences, such as the existence of multiple peaks in the HRIR of the contra-lateral ear for azimuths near the inter-aural axis due to multipath propagation and head/pinnae shadowing.
    %1 1
    %2 3

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