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ICA 95, Trondheim (Norvège) 1995
Copyright © ICA 1995
One of the possible advantages of predictive softwares is that the acoustical behaviour of the room is described via a physical formulation. We may then envision to extend the diagnostic step with methods that would help the optimization process of the project. The optimization is not discussed here in terms of subjective preference but in terms of estimating the optimal set of architectural parameters in order to fulfil the acoustical specifications of the hall project. Hence, the question may be seen as the inverse problem of predictive room acoustics.
The method described in this paper is an attempt to optimize the distribution of materials in a room with a given shape and according to a specific time and spatial distribution of early energy within the room.
The optimization process (dashed arrows) consists of estimating the best set of all or part of the input data in order to obtain a given acoustical result. For the late time distribution of energy, the well known Sabine's formula, or it's derivatives, may be used: given the reverberation time, global architectural quantities like the volume or the mean absorption may be estimated. When considering non ideal diffused sound fields, one can use the geometrical methods described in [Schroeder80] and [Malcurt86]. Under Lambert's law reflection hypotheses, the spatial distribution during the steady state or the exponential decay may be obtained by the analysis of a matrix which represents the coupling between surfaces. The coupling coefficients integrate geometrical and absorption characteristics of the surfaces. Thus, given a reverberation time and a spatial distribution of sound energy one can get information on what the coupling between the surfaces should be.
Unfortunately, for the early distribution of energy, the classical prediction methods do not link directly the geometrical or material characteristics to acoustical criteria, for they are based on an iterative following of sound paths. Hence an optimization procedure requires to replace these models with an approximate analytical formulation that link architectural and acoustical quantities and that can be inverted.
In a previous study, conducted with Electricité de France [Raynal90], a collection of analytical formulae was introduced a priori and combined in a linear form in order to verify the relations observed on a set of configurations of a variable room (geometry and materials). The computation of the pseudo-inverse of these combinations provided relations from which both, the geometrical and material parameters of the room, could be optimized according to a desired acoustical quality.
Here we restrict our optimization procedure on the material characteristics, keeping the room shape constant. On a practical point of view, this question could arise at an early step of a project where one need to respect architectural shape constraints, or later on when the main structure of the hall is already built: the remaining degree of freedom is the choice of materials. The analytical formulation is derived from the observation of the results given by a first run of the prediction model. The material characteristics under optimization are the absorption coefficient and the diffusion coefficient that are used in the reflection model.
Figure 1. Synopsis of prediction and optimization processes
Figure 2. Reflection model used in the predictive environment
Eestrk = DIrk + DIIrk + DIIIrk + Rrk (1)
For example the term DIIIrk may be written as the sum of elementary incident contributions ISrklmn that were specularly reflected by the ordered triplet of material l, m, n plus the first order diffusion contribution IDrklmn of the last material n of this triplet (Equ. 2).
DIIIrk = lmn ( ISrklmn (1-l)(1-dl)(1-m)(1-dm)(1-i>n)(1-dn) +
IDrklmn (1-l)(1-dl)(1-m)(1-dm)(1-i>n)(dn) ) (2)
From this analytical formula we may derive an error function between the desired Eobjrk and the estimated Eestrk simplified time and spatial distributions of the early energy (Equ. 3). The material coefficients are optimized by a classical gradient algorithm aiming at minimizing the error function J. In order to limit the convergence domain, the function J may integrate a term that constraints the global absorption of the room to be constant.
J = rk ( wrk * [ Eestrk - Eobjrk ]2 ) (3)
The optimization process is organized according to the following steps. The whole process (a-b-c) may be repeated in order to verify the consistency of the analytical formula.
Table 1. illustrates the optimization process for the 1khz octave band. At the initial step all materials are declared with the same values of absorption and diffusion (0 = 0.25 and d0 = 0.1). After 2 iterations of the complete process, the estimation error converges to a local minimum which module is 1/8 of the module of the initial error. The different material characteristics of the model have converged to specific values which may be compared with the actual material of the existing room. The estimated absorption coefficients seem relevant except for the surfaces covered with carpet. The diffusion coefficients show good tendancies although the estimated values are caricatural. An interesting observation is for the surfaces corresponding to the coffered ceiling and the audience : there diffusion coefficients converge to high values which compensate for the fact that they were approximated in the model with flat surfaces.
model material | Mat1 | Mat2 | Mat3 | Mat4 | Mat5 | Mat6 | Mat7 | Mat8 | Mat9 | Mat10 | Mat11 |
alpha0 initial step alpha2 final step | 0.25 0.01 | 0.25 0.8 | 0.25 0.01 | 0.25 0.3 | 0.25 0.42 | 0.25 0.01 | 0.25 0.25 | 0.25 0.21 | 0.25 0.01 | 0.25 0.2 | 0.25 0.28 |
alpha0 initial step alpha2 final step | 0.1 0.05 | 0.1 0.5 | 0.1 0.43 | 0.1 0.2 | 0.1 0.85 | 0.1 0.2 | 0.1 0.2 | 0.1 0.05 | 0.1 0.85 | 0.1 0.2 | 0.1 0.1 |
room material | stone | carpet | wooden stage | absorb. doors | seats | concrete | mixing concrete absorb. panel | wood panel | coffered concrete | projec- tion screen | metallic struct. |
These results are encouraging, but some considerations on gradient algorithms must be outlined. The error function presents several minima and, therefore, it does not ensure a stable result of the optimization procedure. Different parameters influence the convergence process: the number of receivers, the choice of the time intervals and weightings, or the integration of practical or acoustical constraints in the error function. However, according to the definition of the error function, each local minimum appear to represent an alternative architectural solution that satisfies the acoustical specifications.
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