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    %0 Conference Proceedings
    %A Lartillot, Olivier
    %A Ayari, Mondher
    %T A comprehensive computational model for music analysis, applied to maqâm analysis
    %D 2014
    %B Third International Workshop of Folk Music Analysis
    %C Istambul
    %F Lartillot14b
    %X We introduce a new computational framework for music analysis decomposed into a set of modules. Each module addresses a core aspect of music analysis and offers some innovative breakthrough compared to the state of the art. In order to overcome the limitations of local segmentation, we propose an alternative paradigm based on hierarchical local grouping. New mechanisms for ornamentation reduction based on local grouping enable to build a syntagmatic network for the search for ornamented patterns. We propose an approach for modal analysis based on comparison of the local context (defined by the current and recent notes, and taking into account ornaments reduction) with all possible modes and key scales. We show how this could be applied in particular for the analysis of maqâm music. Pattern mining is applied for the search for motives, for mode-related patterns as well as metrical analysis. The integration of the modules into a single framework enables to model interdependencies, which play a major role in music.
    %1 6
    %2 3

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